Martigues farm - это игра, в которой главный герой отправляется работать на ферму, которая добывает сперму путем доения специальных существ. В нем есть карта, инвентарь, магазин и цикл "день-ночь". Зарабатывайте деньги на доении и покупайте больше животных для доения. Вы также можете разговаривать с существами, чтобы развивать с ними отношения, доступны некоторые варианты флиртующего диалога.
-Negative effects in conversations with creatures removed -The price of selling sperm has been increased -Enlarged some variables, especially Lisa's. -Added the ability to quickly move out of the MC's house (not out of the room) - icon in the left passage -Can move back from the corral to the house -Added a dealer -You can buy Hornithine from a dealer and give it to creatures (via the conversation menu) to maximize their arousal -Added sperm types of different quality -Tapping on the sperm count counter at the top of the screen toggles the display of different quality sperm. -Added a barrel-shaped button that displays all types of semen -Added A and D buttons to the treadmill controls -Finally fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, you couldn't send creatures to the milking house even though it was empty -Added a board (purchased at the furniture store) that displays the names of Patreon and Boosty subscribers. Using the board once a day restores energy and some health -Added a quest with Nicole that allows you to unlock her as an employee -Added a quest with the Architect. In the next update, completing the quest will unlock the ability to build new enclosures -Other minor fixes -Added a new creature - Kimiko
Sex Scenes:
-The architect's sex scene with the aquarid -A blowjob scene with Nicole (after completing the quest can activate when entering Nicole's room with a 10% chance) -3 scenes with Kimiko -Some old animations (the blowjob in interrogation in the intro, and some animations with Lisa) have been redone and re-rendered. The actions in them remain the same, but now they have 10-15 frames instead of 5. ***