Направлять Джонни, сексуально неудовлетворенного молодого человека, в его путешествии по его сексуальным фантазиям? Сыграйте с ним роль защитника и мужчины в своем доме и держите подальше его соседку-кошечку, или, может быть, он просто хочет быть вуайеристом и наблюдать за всем, что может случиться с его матерью, сестрой и тетей. Выбор за вами, о, и добро пожаловать в наш район.
v0.6 Did over 300+ renders for this update. Hope you enjoy it.
v0.5 This update isn't as big as my previous ones. It's mostly focused on the MC getting some action! Rick does make an appearance, and a familiar character returns.
v0.4 Rework some scenes in the beginning, you might have to restart a new game. (My beta tester said he didn't have to but it might mess your game play later on.) Added the routes of Alpha and Beta, will be adding a menu system (Hopefully) in the next update to show how your doing on both path's.
v0.3 I've been working on lighting, not really getting the hang of it. Hopefully it's not to dark in some of the scenes. v0.2 Add a few more scenes, one sex scene and a couple of minor sexual scenes. v0.11 Fixed an error with the menu system where a player can't proceed to the next scene. v0.1 Initial Release.