Описание Tainted Heritage - a.k.a Weird Shit Is Going to Happen
Твои родители мертвы, они погибли в автомобильной катастрофе, а ты был водителем. Это произошло около года назад, и к настоящему времени вы полностью оправились от своих травм. Жизнь продолжается, но компания, в которой вы работали, больше не существует, и у вас возникли серьезные проблемы с поиском нового рабочего места. Что еще хуже, вам все равно придется выплатить кредит за похороны ваших родителей и за ущерб, причиненный вашим несчастным случаем. Деньги начинают медленно прибывать, когда внезапно приходит письмо от вашей бывшей бабушки. Произойдет странное дерьмо!
v0.7 - major code overhaul and qol changes - changed and added several settings in preferences - re-designed the quick menu (can be switched to the old one in preferences) - added a hint system (can be activated at game start, or at any time in preferences) - several new "notes" - overhauled the notes system and added a few things - roughly 1000 new images - 19 new Animations
v0.6 - roughly 1300 new images - 27 new animations - there's finally music and sfx - some new functions and code changes - reworked the style of the "notes"
v0.5 - roughly 1500 new images - 26 new animations - fixed and improved a lot of old code - fixed some older dialogues - made some minor changes to some older scenes - improved overall compability between the 1080p and 4k version - added "Notes" about all the female characters to the quick menu, they will be available after the first night in the hotel and only include girls that are in the hotel - fixed some UI stuff (like usual :cautious:) - overhauled the main menu
v0.4 - 1140 new images - 43 new animations - new scenes (duh) - improved code and performance (a bit) - added actual upper floor map - 1 new girl (last of the main cast) - 1 new room - added some engrish for your convenience :p
v0.3 - ca. 1k new images, 6 new animatons - lots of new scenes - improved overall performance, especially for the 4k Version - added upper floor - 2 new girls (3 if you count the girl introduced at the end of day 3) - added the show/hide textbox option I use in BM - fixed grammar and engrish
v0.2 - rebuild some parts of the 4k version for better performance (you'll still need some good hardware, because renpy...) - rebuild the lobby map for future events, it reacts a bit slow at the moment, but I'll hopefully find a fix for that in the future - fixed some engrish and edited some older scenes - added another room - added one and a half new character^^ - Lots of new scenes
v0.1.1 1080p version Android version (1080p) Small fixes