Проследите за историей второкурсника Университета Оушен-Сити с трагическим прошлым. Через три года после несчастного случая с близким другом, за которым вскоре последовала смерть ваших родителей, в вашей жизни появляются две новые молодые женщины, запуская цепочку событий, которые приводят к тому, что вы воссоединяетесь со своей первой любовью и узнаете правду о событиях трехлетней давности.
v0.12 Featuring the first part of the dramatic conclusion of Chapter 3
v0.11rc1 Chapter 3 picks up right after the conclusion of Chapter 2, and part 1 includes several days of content as you prepare for the mission that serves as the chapter 3 climax and enjoy the company of some of the lovely ladies in your life. In addition to the new content, this version updates the Image and Replay galleries, dividing them by chapter, and has some minor dialogue updates on day 54. All animation videos have also been re-encoded for this update, reducing the game's overall size while slightly increasing the image quality of the animations. There are also a few bug fixes, including one that would prevent you from continuing the story if you turned down the threesome with Jamie and Kat on day 56. Finally, I have corrected multiple typos as well.
v0.10b4a This update completes all chapter 2 content for the story.
v0.6.0 This update adds in the day 9 content, completing chapter 1. In addition to finishing off the chapter 1 content, this version also adds in the ability to customize the dialog background opacity. This new setting defaults to 25% opacity, but can be configured in preferences to 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100%. Finally, this update also corrects some typos.