Под лучезарным небом Калифорнии, в мире, изобилующем элитной недвижимостью и цифровым гламуром, София процветала. Будучи лидером на рынке недвижимости, она днем обхаживала клиентов, водя их по виллам с видами, от которых захватывало дух. К ночи она превращалась в влиятельного человека, зажигая своей харизмой цифровую сферу.
Sofia's Dark Fantasies Episode 2 - Chapter 1 - Contains Episode 1 and Price of Privilege - Episode 2 is all blender generated imagess - new ai models - new animation workflow with a 8 animations in the free version and 16 in the paid version - 858 images - 4 new Characters introduced - Redesigned Sofia - New Oufits - 2 Separate Paths
Sofia's Dark Fantasies v1.06 - Episode 1 - 380 new renders. - 3 animations - 2 New outfits - 2 New Characters introduced - Added Sound Effects - Day 1 and Day 3 sex scenes redone with Double Pass AI Tool - Added Video Intro's and outros for Sex Scenes - The end of Daz as a primary 3D rendering tool
Brand New Price of Privilege Special Episode: - new ai polish resulting in incredible details for the skin, enviroments and a lot more micro details - best renders in the industry by a mile - new character introduction - Over 550 images - slower tempo for the different events - Test Animation introduced - Improved Dialogue and storytelling - new unique outifts specially designed for this episode - learning from previous feedback we've increased the length of scenes both for sfw and nfsw scenes
Sofia's Dark Fantasies v1.05 Beta - 45 new renders. - Added Sound Effects - Day 1 and Day 3 sex scenes redone - Added Video Intro's and outros for Sex Scenes - Day 1 Jogging scenes redone - Corrected some story errors and rewrote some of the content in the scenes - Outfit replaced in Shopping scene and more scenes added to that scene