Супергерои по-прежнему запрещены, и Боб страдает от рутинной офисной работы. Неожиданно с Бобом связывается секретная организация, предлагая снова стать супергероем... но не Бобу, а его жене Хелен. Что выберет Боб и как его действия повлияют на мир супергероев... а его жена и дочь?
v0.2 In the new update was added: - 205 new pictures. - 20~ animations.
v0.1.9 In the new update was added: - 195 new pictures. - 25 animations.
v0.1.8 In the new update, there are: - 236 new pictures. - 17 animations.
v0.1.7 In the new update, there are: - 327 new pictures. - 16 animations.
Now one animation contains different angles, so take your time
v0.1.6 In the new update, there are: - 145 new pictures. - 15+ animations.
v0.1.5 In the new update, there are: - 173 new pictures. - 15+ animations. - Well, and my attempt at Sound Work...
v0.1.4 Was added a couple of new locations, (in particular, please pay your attention to the karaoke...). Also, - 16 new animations - 162 new pictures - Room of Memories ( available in the client for subscribers 10+ ). The room is located in the house on the second floor, in Bob's laptop. - Also, added the ability to hide text by pressing the "H" key
v0.1.3 - 181 New images - 13 New animations
v0.1.2 - 108 New images - 9 New Animations
In this version, the characte Mirage has been added to the game.