Отправляйтесь в увлекательное путешествие по сокровенным желаниям и запутанным страстям Наташи, эротического визуального романа, который исследует сложности любви, похоти и плодородия. Следуйте увлекательной истории Наташи, преданной жены, стремящейся зачать ребенка со своим мужем. Вступая на путь плодородия, она обнаруживает, что запуталась в паутине обольщения, соблазна и запретных удовольствий.
V0.33 293 new renders and few animations Next update is coming tentatively this week. So please support for the effort we are putting.
400 new renders
Hello. I bring you the latest update of Natasha Naughty Wife. So much has changed since the last update, there is a new writer for the game now so we had to redo the game because we felt like the game didn't have any proper storyline and was all over the place so we tired to make something interesting. So in this update, we start the story from the beginning, in previous updates we removed choices but in this update we bring back the choices and make them meaningful as most of the choices will have an affect in the coming updates. The render quality also has been improved from the previous update and we are hoping that it will improve more moving forward. I would want to know your thoughts about the new storyline and i want to know if you guys like the direction in which the game is going. We put in alot of effort and time into this update with respect to rendering and writing so I hope you guys enjoy the update. If you have an any suggestions about the game you can always express them in this thread. We are trying to make this game better with every update and I hope you guys can see the vision we are aiming for and notice the work we are doing. The next update will come out in mid to late January, we will have a concrete date out soon. Also if you like the game and want to support us, you can sub to the patreon. You can also review the game as you can see the rating is pretty low so if you feel like there has been an improvement in the story and in renders you can leave a postive review which will be very helpful. I hope this holiday season brings alot of joy to you and your family. Happy holidays, merry christmas and an advance happy new year to all of you. I hope you enjoy the update and if you could maybe contribute to us during the holiday season, it would mean alot. Thanks everyone, can't wait to hear what you think about the game.
v0.22 120 + New renders 2 new animations
v0.2 190+ new renders 2 new animations
v0.1 Re-release
Before the re release
v0.42 10000+ Words 200+ HD renders 1 new Ending
v0.41 About 60 new HD renders, 3 new animation with sounds Update in the cheating path only.
v0.4 Added 100 renders and two animations. Also there are only two paths, you may need to replay from the start
v0.35 My initial plan for this update was ambitious, aiming to include 250 renders and a few animations.