Представьте, что вы просыпаетесь в своей больничной палате, а вокруг никого нет. Более того, вся больница выглядит заброшенной, а весь Нью-Крой лежит в руинах.
Такая судьба постигла Итана. Пару месяцев назад его отца уволили с работы. Его сестра пропала 2 года назад, и поиски ее ни к чему не привели. Взрослый мир, к которому он стремился, лежит у него под ногами и где-то далеко среди разрушенных зданий, точно так же, как его мечты и цели его спокойной жизни. В этом хаосе он смог найти свою сестру, которая даже не узнает его, вообще не разговаривает, а половина ее тела покрыта таинственными пепельными пятнами.
Это война? Или на нас напали террористы? Почему моя сестра появилась только сейчас и что с ней случилось? Так много вопросов и ни одного ответа... Теперь, в этом пустом и разрушенном городе, он должен бороться, чтобы выжить и защитить тех, кто остался в живых в этом безжалостном и опасном мире
v0.3e 1. Fixed the issue where you couldn't close the paper that Jill showed you about Aqua.
v0.3d // I've been really late with the 0.3 update release, and those who check the Discord chat know my personal issues I've been dealing with. I won't make any more promises because life is so unpredictable :( I heard your feedback and I'm sorry that the puzzle with the generators was too difficult for most players. In the prologue, you can now remember the door code to the generator room (requires Intellect 1) and "hack" the generator codes (requires Strength 1) 90+ New Renders 2 New Characters 3 New Quests 6 New Locations New Map for Scavenging and more Added a Gallery. You can view all the available scenes in the game by accessing the MC's computer in his room. The access code known "Infected" patrons of SubscribeStar and above Added an option to spy on girls through the security cameras (except Emma) Added an option to lockpick the entrance to the girls room and “play” with them (available only Jill and Lori for now) Fixed the font size of the names. Now this text should not be cut off at the bottom Changed old icons for items Added an option to interact with the girls and increasing their "Corruption" points. There's placeholders for special scenes while you corrupting. In future update I'll add new scenes Now there's the effects of hunger and thirst on the girls. If you have no food or water, the girls won't be in the mood to "play" with you. You also can't run (shift key) because of no food or water in bunker Added an option to craft some items and upgrades for the bunker Combat system has been simplified. New formula: If Strength < 5, you have 5,3 seconds to complete QTE event with 4 inputs If Strength < 20, you have 6 seconds to complete QTE event with 3 inputs If Strength > 50, you have 6,6 seconds to complete QTE event with 2 inputs Note: If you attacked from behind with knife - instant kill Some minor changes that I've forgot ==================
v0.2a // This huge delay is because of my personal life issues. I broke up with my girl, lost a family member, and been hella busy with my IRL job... On top of that, the game didn't have the necessary mechanics for the story to continue, and that took a lot of time. Finally, I can give you guys a small update. Future updates shouldn't take this long. Thanks for your patience, units! Minor texts orthographic corrections (Sorry for that, english is not my native language) Fixed the false positive issue with the antivirus. Shouldn't be any problems now Minor changes for Quests log Added button "Exit" in title menu Removed mentions about Patreon. Now the only platform to support this game is SubscribeStar New icons for items You can now change your name (available at computer in your room) Changed the relationships between characters: Emma is your sister (in game "Sister") Lori is your mother (in game "Mom") Note: These changes cannot be modified, they are based on the lore of the game. So "Landlady" and "Roommate" was exclusive for Patreon only Now you can see how currupted girls are by pressing "C" (This information will be transferred to the HUD in next update) New HUD: Time of day Amounts of Food Water and Materials Added cheat menu (available at computer in your room) Edit corruption points Edit base supplies (water, food, materials) "God Mode" cheat "Supply" cheat Note: Only people in SubscribeStar of tier "Survivor" and above have code for access to use this cheats New features: Lock picking, Supplies scavenging, Bunker Supplies, Fighting Lock picking works on this formula: If Intellect < 5, you have 5 seconds to complete QTE event with 6 inputs If Intellect < 20, you have 5 seconds to complete QTE event with 5 inputs If Intellect > 50, you have 5 seconds to complete QTE event with 4 inputs Note: Each attempt uses one of your lock picks. If you run out of them, you won't be able to pick the lock Supplies scavenging works on this formula: If Intellect < 5, chances to find something = 50% If Intellect < 20, chances to find something = 75% If Intellect > 50, chances to find something = 100% Note: Food and Water from 5 to 20; Materials from 1 to 10 Bunker Supplies decrease each time you sleep. Here's a formula: Food & Water - (Survivors count * Cost - Bunker upgrades) Note: Survivors count = Number of people living in bunker (including you), Cost = The quantity of supply being handed out. Constantly equals "2", Bunker upgrades = Specific upgrades of your bunker increase this number by 1. Without upgrades = 0 Fighting works on this formula: If Strength < 5, you have 5 seconds to complete QTE event with 5 inputs If Strength < 20, you have 6 seconds to complete QTE event with 4 inputs If Strength > 50, you have 7 seconds to complete QTE event with 3 inputs Note: If you attacked from behind with knife - instant kill
v0.1b - Minor fixes - Added save points - Added hint in generator quest (bunker) - Now mouse control works in game - Updated nw.js (fix for popup about profile)