В недалеком будущем более 20 человек, полных мечтаний и надежд (и секретов), будут приглашены для участия в экстремальном реалити-шоу. Постепенно они поймут, что совершили самую большую ошибку в своей жизни, согласившись участвовать. Здесь они узнают истинное значение слова "исключение". Как вы думаете? Дойдете ли вы до конца этих 30 дней экстремального сосуществования и конкуренции или вас исключат?
v0.2b - The old version of Emma has completely disappeared from the game. That means that a total of 407 images have been redone. This also largely solves several of the poorly rendered images at the beginning of the game, although there are still a few that need to be retouched in the future... - The game Menu has been changed to something a little more modern to give it a personal touch and not leave the old default menu. - Final interactions with Emma and Asami (hot scenes at the end of the current game) have been completed. Therefore now the four options are open to choose freely. - Due to the above, 103 new images have been added corresponding to the scenes with Emma and Asami. - The introduction scene of the "new Emma" was removed as it was no longer necessary. - Fixed small problems at the starting point of saved games. Now EVERYTHING works perfectly. - Finally, the total sum of words of all dialogues is now 22,470. And the total number of images is 1170.
v0.2 - 488 new images (for a total of 1067) that follow the story of the main path. - Approximate gameplay time this version: One hour and fifteen minutes (which makes a total of almost 3 hours playing everything). - Total words (sum of both versions): 21,328 - Sound: 8 new songs and 5 new sound effects.