- Я умер, меня затянуло в другой мир, и я возродился. Я покончил с борьбой и междоусобицами. Я покончил с демонами, которые злятся на то, что я узурпировал их власть и стал королем Похоти. Я просто хочу счастливой жизни на пенсии, комфорта, приключений и женщин. "Это история о том, как я наслаждался своей жизнью и убедил некоторых девушек, что им лучше быть со мной, чем против меня... А начинается все с того, что рогатая женщина телепортирует меня неизвестно куда!!!"
v0.2.5 Maps have been updated. New maps in the forest, plus a new map in the town--the residential area. Sokah and Enrie's houses are there. Sokah has new events: 3 new Heart Events, one secret H Scene, and one new mini H Scene in a new part of town. Sokah's 5th Heart Event is triggered in the residential area, during the day. Enrie got 1 new Heart Event, and got a groping scene added to her hang out. New characters introduced: Samael, Phalia, and Mabel. The first two are at the furniture shop, and Mabel is unlocked by exploring the Deep Woods, after the Inn is opened. The beginnings of the furniture system is implemented. Still have a way to go. It's a big system, so it's going to need some more time to be fully fleshed out. Made some rocks in Roro's yard breakable. The ones inside his "house" are not breakable yet. Goblin got updates to her hangout, giving her one new dialogue and two new H Scenes. Second floor of the Inn is built, and you can sometimes find Mabel there in the evenings. Mabel has a secret H Scene in there.
v0.002.4 1. The Underground gets 1 new H Event. 2. Frederica gets a follow up scene to Underground H Event 3. This is an H Scene. 3. Lounobos gets a story event to follow-up on the event above. 4. Enrie gets 2 new heart events and one story event. 5. The Story moves on with Paulina holding her celebration. New characters introduced here. 6. Frederica gets a whole new Hang out board. The board comes with 5 new H Events. Note: Pickax isn't fully implemented in this version.
Some minor bugs fixed. Overall, the update adds 9 H Scenes.
v0.002.3 Added New Girl Rowan and six events for her. Added Story Quests, Find the Supplies and Investigate the Wilds Goblin Girl got 2 new H Scenes Sokah got Heart Event 2 Enrie got Heart Events 2 and 3 Added New Girls Lounobos and Frederica. Added the first stages of the Undergound maps. The pickaxe item was implemented for the Underground Maps. Added 3 new H Scenes to unlock, tied to the Underground Added new random event. Added new repeatable mini game.