Эта ночь ничем не отличается от любой другой. Бесконечные поставки, сомнительные клиенты и нависшая угроза финансового краха. Мало что может ухудшить ситуацию, но смерть в этом городе может наступить быстро. Возьмите на себя роль молодого человека, внезапно оказавшегося в темном, тайном обществе. Завеса приоткрылась, и мы увидели мир демонов, монстров и проклятий. У нас появился второй шанс стать одним из самых отвратительных созданий на земле - вампиром.
Release 3 Returning Players: I recommend you pass a day on the main sandbox screen before trying to access any new content! Bit of a smaller release this time around, owing to the quicker turn around and some work on an unreleased combat system. Matron Valeria Content The local vampire ruler and Submission club owner turns her sights on the MC. - New Content Stage, in a linear format. Consisting of: - A series of events, with route choices - A final end scene based on your route - New Dom/Sub stats, exclusive to Valeria for now - Some extra cash gains during these events (money sink coming soon) - Unlocks automatically once you've worked at submission enough Harley Content - New optional sharing content, as an addon to her existing content stage - Accessed by visiting the Submission club when Harley is there (Either use her sandbox link or manually via the map) - This particular content can be enabled/disabled by talking to Sadie at the club (main sharing option still applies as a blanket disable for all sharing content) - Several routes/options to explore, each with multiple outcomes and possible npcs - Outcomes are determined by a hidden scoring system, based on Harley's preferences, dream influence, and experience with the selected option - Dream Influence can unlock one of the options, and also unlock new types of guys to appear in the events - Misc Bugs - Fixed/Improved character name and relationship consistency - Phone and gallery names should update at the end of every week now. You can manually force an update with the confirmation marks in the character settings window (next to the name/rel entry fields)
Release 2 Apologies for the long wait, juggling two games at once is turning out to be quite challenging! Still early days for Harley but I've tried to make this as lewd as possible regardless. Since this is the first update, I recommend you keep a backup of your old save from Release 1 as a precaution. Returning players are recommended to check out the new character settings screens to add missing information! - Harley - - First content stage added - Story Events, Sandbox events - Experimental date event with a bunch of variations [Feedback appreciated!] - Misc - - New Character setting screens, allowing you to change names etc. Accessible from the character bio page. [returning players should check these as there is new values to set!] - Cheat Menu moved into the relevant character setting screens, as outlined above - Added cheats for Harley, new cheat code for supporters. Thank you all! - New Bonus render gallery, with renders you can unlock. Scene gallery to come later! - Misc Bugs - - Fixed incorrect phone names after changing character defaults, thanks to longjohngold for the report! - Fixed in game phone freezing in the web version, thanks to everyone who reported this!
Release 1 - Game Story Intro (sorry for the length!) - Evelyn's first content stage, a variety of interactions and several story events - A lovely lady to spend a night with - A job to work, with an introduction