В жутковатом и атмосферном мире Resident Evil многие люди сталкивались с серьезным испытанием, известным как Суд Думитреску. Действие этого судебного процесса разворачивается во внушительном замке Димитреску, полном мрачных тайн, извилистых коридоров и многочисленных скрытых угроз. Сможете ли вы их преодолеть?
Update 3 - Animated trial battle added w/ Alcina Dimitrescu (Trial event will only trigger if you have 1 or more 'Primed Points') - Added 30 new battle images + 5 new animations - added 10 new menu options during the trial battle - Added exit button during trial in case you want to leave the battle - Added new scene to bonus pack: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dimitrescus-pack-104243414
Update 2 (Title Update) - Added new item at the store: Talisman Of Lust - Added new kiss animation when using the 'lust talisman' on Dimitrescu - Added another money bag to the map (300) - Added new bonus content button at the start of the main menu - Added new splashscreen at the start of the game - revamped inventory, now contains 3 extra slots - reduced video length for patreon button - Added new scene to bonus pack:
Update 1 (Title Update) - Added new purchasable item at the store (Book of life) - Added over 5 new H-scenes w/ Alcina Dimitrescu when using the 'book of life' on her w/ included H-animation! - First 'primed' point available - Added new long animation to patreon button (top left side of the screen) - Disabled dying after failing a dice roll inside a scene, you will now simply continue with the dialogue instead - Over 500 new dialogue lines added - Added missing item names to store items - Compressed images to be smaller in size - Changed text speed (50% slower) - fixed glitch that would reset your 'lust' and 'primed' points after playing the trial - Added new scene to bonus content pack: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dimitrescus-pack-104243414