Вы молодой человек, член организации Time bound, которая защищает течение времени. Присоединившись к команде 17, состоящей из талантливых и красивых девушек, вы отправитесь в новое путешествие. История будет развиваться в зависимости от вашего выбора и действий!
v0.3 449 New Images 15 New Animations 2640+ New Lines of Code Several Code and Render Fixes Minigames can be skipped Many other little things v0.2.2 Removed the rollback block on each riddle. Now, if you answer incorrectly or miss pressing the buzzer in time, you can backtrack. Eased the difficulty of the arm wrestling game. Removed the rollback block in the spot-the-difference game. Added a skip button for each dance move in the dance challenge. Lowered the victory threshold for the dance challenge from 60 points to 50. v0.2.1 1236 New Images 29 New Animations 7000+ New Lines of Code 24 New Music Tracks 34 New Sound Effects New Relationship and Info Interface Several Code and Render Fixes Added Some New Minigames Added Textbox Adjusted the storyline and replaced some renders in 0.1 Improved Dialogue Many other little things v0.1 First release 1700+ Images 40+ Animations 25+ music tracks 53+ sound effects