Вы сидите в баре и замечаете симпатичную девушку, которую, как вам кажется, вы уже видели раньше? Она кажется обеспокоенной, почему бы вам не поговорить с ней? Получайте удовольствие, знакомясь с ней в течение нескольких недель, поскольку, кажется, что-то меняется в ее теле. (В этой игре основное внимание будет уделено увеличению груди и ягодиц) Игра совершенно новая, поэтому она довольно короткая и лаконичная, но со временем и при вашей поддержке будет дополнена!
Tons of new art New Animations everywhere (If your game appears to be freezing, depending on your computer it could be due to loading animations. If you wait the animations should load.) Korova has officially been added as a new character! If you don't see her events appear, you might want to make a new game Korova has two events now! It turns out she has a lot of jobs ..... Buttercup has a new event! She wants you to help her out with her workout Mahi has a new event. Be careful because her mood will greatly affect how you experience it. Lastly there are TONS and TONS of bug fixes, you can now visit each girl individually and milk and have sex with them without experiencing errors! Of course this section is still being fleshed out with art and text, so look forward to more changes in the future
v24.0.0 Lots of new art! It's sprinkled throughout the game Animations! I'm slowly adding simple animations to the game (If your game appears to be freezing, depending on your computer it could be due to loading animations. If you wait the animations should load.) New event with Elizabeth ! She has a huge idea... New event with Cornelia! She needs a spotter at the gym... Another new event with Cornelia! She wants to play a two player game with you ... And there is one more new event ! See if you can find it! Lots of bug fixing and minor tweaks! v22.0.0 Hey everyone! It's that time of the month again Lots of new art and 4 new characters events
Clarabelle - You take her somewhere to cheer her up ... the cashier is hot. Elizabeth - She wants you to drive her somewhere ... Cornelia - You can't believe she canceled your game night ! Mahi - She has some old clothes ...
It would be good to explain the 3 events types! Character Events The normal events you've grown quite used to in the game! Usually focuses on one girl
Growth Events Can happen any time to a character during a character event! These permanently alter the appearance of one of girls. Usually it is correlated to the mood of the character, but some characters have other conditions ...
Repeatable Events Events you can do over and over ! Usually raises mood by a little! These are still being fleshed out but when fully built out will correlate to the size of the girl.
v21.0.0 Finishing out Week 20! Mahi needs help with a shipment ... Buttercup appears in your backyard ... Clarabelle is still upset over the events at her party Elizabeth has invited you to a photo shoot ... A Shop featuring the character that we created together: Korova The addition of repeatable events! right now you'll find that the repeatable events are mostly the milking of Buttercup, and Clarabelle! and of course MORE growth ! v20.0.0 Here is the release for weeks 17 and 20! I This update is also missing a bit of art at the end, but with all the content I think you all will really enjoy this update!
There are 4 new events out Helping Mahi out after hours. There is an unexpected mess! Clarabelle's car broke down again You wake up to a fresh warm breakfast ... Secret event with all the characters so far ! v15.0.0 Event for Week 8 You head back to the bar and see someone new in Clarabelle's usual seat ! We meet Buttercup !
Event for Week 11 You're relaxing with Mahi in your home, but you hear a familiar and annoying noise outside your apartment! We meet Nellie !
Event for Week 15 Clarabelle has invited you over for a session of baking! Her clothes are really barely hanging on ...
v14.5.5 Week 10 - Cat sitting for Clarabelle with Mahi !