"Лето для тебя" - это пикантный 2d визуальный роман с множеством механик, в котором тебе предстоит завоевать сердца потрясающих девушек! Создайте свой гарем или найдите свою вторую половинку, спасите свою душу или отправляйтесь прямиком в ад с демоницей!
Вы 21-летний мужчина, у которого никогда не было никаких отношений, но благодаря вашему отцу-археологу вы могли наслаждаться своим хобби - коллекционированием древних артефактов. Однажды вы прикасаетесь к странному драгоценному камню в комнате вашего отца, и появляется могущественная демоница Арлекино, угрожающая утащить вас с собой в Ад!
v0.5.2: - The Last Demo Version new content - Optimization of some sprites and backgrounds - Fixed various bugs - HOT CALENDAR FOR 2025 with charming girls from the game (NSFW+SFW)
v0.5.1: - New Main Menu with Winter Vibes - Optimization of some sprites and bacgrounds - Fixed various bugs - NEW CHRISTMAS WALLPAPERS (Desktop + Mobile)
v0.5: - New Mini-Game: you have to arrange the ingredients in the right order to cook your food properly. - Updated UI of the “Find a Match” mini-game - Updated background of Naomi's apartment - Fixed various bugs - NEW MINI ARTBOOK WITH ADDITIONAL CONTENT OF THE GAME
v0.4.1: - Fixed a bug with incorrectly displayed Samantha scene at the beginning - Fixed a bug with the combat freezing - Fixed a bug when SMS messages do not arrive on the smartphone - Fixed the layout of some screens on Android - Fixed bugs with Naomi's route branches - Fixed bugs with Samantha's route branches - Fixed bugs with saves
v0.4 Changelog 0.4: - New game menu in honor of the Halloween holiday - New mini-game of cooking (instead of 2048) - Easy watching of H-scenes in the gallery - Fixed various bugs with quests - Fixed bugs with saving and loading save - Android build too (you can meet lots of bugs!!!) - FREE Halloween Wallpapers with characters of the game on your desktop!
v0.3.1 Steam: - Samantha's route (the MILF pastry chef) - 3 levels of undress on Samantha's model - H-scene with Samantha - Quest journal - Erotic cards - Messenger fixes - Emotions are now voiced - Various bug fixes - New localization: French
v0.2.5 - Added old localizations: Chinese Simplified, German, Spanish Latam, Turkish - Added NEW localizations: Brazilian Portuguese, Italian - Added Save/Load system - Implemented the first cut-scenes in the prologue - Put in the home version of Naomi's skin - Now you can see old messages on your phone - Fixed some bugs
v0.2 - NEW ROOT WITH THE WONDERFUL TEACHER NAOMI - HOT H-SCENE - NEW MINI-game “RYTHM” - Tutorial for mini-game 2048 - Change of day and time of day - Other Changes: a) Added animation effects for 2048 minigame b) Added quest tracker c) Added contact list to the phone d) Several new locations (Bar, Naomi's apartment) e) In version 0.2 only English and Russian localizations (did not have time to translate into other languages, but I'll add it later)
v0.1.1 - Android Build is released - Default language is English - Minor fixes