Это линейный визуальный роман, в центре внимания которого инцест между отцом и дочерью и три второстепенных персонажа, которые рассказывают свои собственные истории.
v0.3 4425 words (20642 full game) 486 images (1941 full game) 10 animations (26 full game) The text box was added again in pc and now you can change the opacity, it works in android too.
v0.2a 4532 words 399 images 5 animations Denisse's skin tone was changed to appear more pink (it was too white). Renders from first release were updated too. Full-screen/window-screen button was added to option's menu. A permanent "hover" effect was added to the "auto" button in the quick menu when it's activated. The female boss's name is no longer mentioned in the first morning. The characters refer to her as 'boss' instead, and later, you choose her name. Game menu's background was updated to lastest models (first release had beta Anna model, beta kate model and beta basket's clothes.)