Пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нам и познакомьтесь с нашей троицей перспективных любовников. Сасаяки, румяная принцесса с тайными планами, Цуки, ваша служанка-нежить, которая должна питаться вашей сущностью, чтобы продолжать жить, и Хикари, таинственная героиня нашей истории, происхождение которой остается загадкой даже для нее самой. Они путешествуют на MFV "Аквилла", одном из последних грузовых паромов, оставшихся в галактике, наполненном опасными и красивыми женщинами, которыми командует извращенец, которому они все принадлежат. Сможете ли вы освободить их? Отдашь ли ты Хикари и девочек на растерзание жадности капитана?
v0.02.06b Public Release (22 Dec 2024) +345 Images & 34 Animations
v02.06b - Kojia's affinity is now key to getting the best path. Depending on how high it is, the "Deal with it like a man" path will impress the Commander and she'll either aid you, or condemn you. Alternately, relying on Rojin to talk you through the negotiations will be successful if Kojia likes you enough. - Pure Sasayaki path under "Deal with it like a man" is now complete and leads to chapter 3 - Pure Tsuki path under "Deal with it like a man" is now complete and leads to a critical fail. - Pure Hikari path under "Deal with it like a man" is now complete and leads to me hating myself for the rest of my damn life! - Sasa & Tsuki path under "Deal with it like a man" has been started with the first animation in place. - Cleanned up some animations in chapter 01. - Added Eighteen Animations?! - Added 50+ images - Gallery Unlock flags added for "Observation Ayre", "Rojin Wins", "Krish Wins", "Sacrifice Sasa", "Sacrifice Tsuki", "Sacrifice Hikari", "Sacrifice SnT", "Kojia Gold", "Trade for Kojia", "Trade for Ayre", "Trade for Cloe", and "Trade for Ayre" - And you may punch Krish in the face for being a complete douchebag asshole. If Kojia likes you enough.
v02.05b So this week, I believe we're finished with all the big decision making and we're out of the observation deck! We'll be moving to the Captains Quarters next for some... alone time. /cough! NTR. The "Sacrifice Sasa" Path is pretty much done, I didn't get a few of the animations rendered that I wanted but there will be three in that scene, all skip-able if your not into NTR. The logic leading into "Sacrifice Tsuki" and "Sacrifice Hikari" are also in place, Tsuki's with a good deal rendered as well, no animations yet. To get to these, choose to "Claim the girls as your wives.", Then "Deal with it like a man!", followed by agreeing to let Krish have one the girls for the night in exchange for not offing you... yeah he's a real piece of shit aint he? So, now that we're on the back half of Chapter 02, which I consider to be the fun half ^^, nows a good time to talk about my plan for this chapter, so we all know where we're at. Chapter one had 7 total paths, four led into Chapter 2, and three ended with a quick and deadly sex scene, it's chapter 01, what do ya want? We'll get back to them. Chapter two on the other hand, has eleven paths! Four are NTR dead ends, two are NTR -> Chapter 03, Four are wife swap scenarios where Sasa will sleep with the Captain in exchange for your choice of one of the four, Cdr Kojia, Ens Ayre, Claire, or Cloe, which will have a sort of... HORSE game structure too it, at least when I figure it out! And one... one precious golden route, leaves that fat bastered out in the cold while you get with his best gurl.
v02.04b Fix for the game breaking bug in v0.02.03b
v02.03b - Two NTR "Game Over" paths completed. Access these by selecting "You bastards! They're my firends!" when the choice presents itself. Past that there is a choice to either endors your buddy Rojin or rat him out. Both choices lead to NTR Game over. It does go strait into cuckholding, at that point there is a hard option to opt out and skip it. - Introduced new "Roll Back" option after the "Game Overs" that will reset the game to the point of no return. For now that's not too far back, but it will let the player explore without worring about having made a save game. - Extra flags for gallery unlocks. - Narative along the "These are my Wives" path continued. You'll have an option to let the girls defend you, I highly recommend experiencing that. Sasa will end up having to make deals on your behalf. Or you man "Deal with it like a man." This path isn't too developed yet, but you'll get the gist of where things are going... - I'm not counting renders, but there are seven new animations, two of which are NSFW, the rest are "Choose ur Wifu".
v02.02b - Flags created for Gallery unlocks for Ch1 Hikari, Sasayaki, and Tsuki "Sex"scenes, and the Ch2 Ayre blowjob scene. - New animation for entering the area where Ayre's blow job scene takes place - Continued story, Captain's accusation - Began story branching for how you deal with the captain. Branching into 4 dead end (NTR Endings) and 6 paths to ch3 with various qualities. All will have some kind of sex. - I've also used a different compression method, so the files will be significantly smaller. If anyone has any issues with it, please let me know.
v02.01b Coming out of chapter 01, there were four paths forward that I wanted to have converge before doing another sub version. In this case, if you chose Hikari, Tsuki, Sasa, or messed up with Hikari, you'll find the appropriate girl waiting for you out in the hall. It's a short walk with each individually, but you'll run into the two lovely ladies from that first picture when the main character woke up. They might have something to say, who knows? If ya didn't mess up with Hikari, I recommend doing so just so you get to meet your robot girl servant Kaminari too. Then go on to Meet the Captains daughters, Lalafon and Lalasue! And introducing Eden's Lovely Idol "Ayre"!