Проследите за историей главного героя-мужчины, который покидает свой маленький городок, чтобы начать все сначала в колледже, окунувшись в мир незнакомых впечатлений и отношений. Ваш выбор сформирует его путешествие, повлияет на дружбу и романтические встречи на этом пути.
Chapter 1 - v0.1 Fix2 We discovered a bug that occurred after getting the "Fuck off" when you refuse Amie's offer. Unfortunately, this issue prevented players from progressing to the garden. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused and have fixed it promptly upon noticing it.
Chapter 1 - v0.1 Fix One of our character's name "Kyle", raised some eyebrows and caused a bit of confusion, so we've decided to change it to Kylie because we don't want the community to be divided over it and because we value your feedback. This led to a minor issue with the task bar where Kyle's task wasn't being completed, but we've fixed it in the latest update. (Even if it is not getting completed on task bar you can still continue the game)