В Realm Walker могущественная жрица Калитра призывает вас победить надвигающееся зло. Однако, проверив ваше сродство к мане, она считает вас недостойным и бросает в подземелье, кишащем монстрами. Несмотря ни на что, вы выживаете, находите легендарный меч и встречаетесь с Фелиной Вискершадью — отважным магическим проводником. Вместе вы отправляетесь в путешествие, чтобы исполнить пророчество и обрести союзников для решающей битвы.
v0.3 Bug Fixes Resolved all reported bugs. New Content and Features Added several new locations to explore. Introduced 4–5 new characters with unique stories and personalities. Added new enemy types and a few additional NPCs to enhance immersion. Party Updates Lyriana will now rejoin the party. Her level will automatically match the main character's level upon joining. Inventory Improvements The number of key items is now displayed in the inventory for easier management. New Content Focus Fetishes: (Femdom, Futa, etc.): As the last poll winner was Femdom content, this version focuses primarily on it. However, rest assured, the scenes offer options for players to choose either Femdom or vanilla/passive scenes.
v0.2 Fixed all reported bugs based on player feedback. Balanced enemy rewards: enemies now grant more EXP and gold to help players progress faster. (Note: Some enemies remain challenging to encourage grinding. For players who prefer to skip grinding, cheats are available.) Adjusted cheat mechanics: using cheats now increases levels by 3 instead of 10. Added a quest journal to help players track progress and navigate quest chains more easily. Introduced several new locations and characters. Added new scenes, including both erotic and non-erotic content. Potions now recover 100 HP instead of 25. Updated functionality: Battle and menu screens are now displayed in fullscreen. During scenes, you can hide the text box by clicking the right mouse button. Added a Patreon button to the menu screen for easy access.
v0.1 Revamped the world map and redesigned Elven Village. Updated character facesets for some characters. Improved background music across various areas. All enemies are now visible on the map; random encounters have been removed. Added 6 new locations to explore. Introduced a variety of new characters. Lyriana has been removed from the active party. While she no longer participates in combat, she will remain as a companion. Added a few erotic and non-erotic scenes. DEMO First Release