Описание Sarada Rising + Boruto Naruto Next Generation
Sarada Rising: Ты мальчик, который зарабатывает на жизнь победами в играх Наруто, когда он выходит из дома, чтобы пройтись по магазинам, он умирает и переносится в мир Наруто через 8 лет после событий, которые происходят в Боруто, с очень важной миссией, возложенной на него Богиней, сможешь ли ты выполнить эту чрезвычайно важную миссию?
Sarada Rising: Боруто Наруто следующего поколения Окунитесь в мир Наруто с системой открытого мира, с совершенно оригинальной историей, встречаясь и взаимодействуя с персонажами из Наруто, Боруто и оригиналов игры. Вы будете ниндзя ранга Чуннин, который обнаруживает, что он выживший представитель древнего клана и владеет очень... Особым додзюцу.
Added 6 New Principal Quests with more content and characters. Added 14 New Secundary Quests: Sakura(4), Ino(3), Hyuga(1), Tenten(3), Yuli(2), and Hanna(1) New dialogues for Zubon, Yuna and Hideo that vary depending on the Arc. New dialogues for characters in free mode. ART:
Many Scenes added to the principal and secundary quests. Redesigned some character sprites. New backgrounds, for future versions I will redraw several of these. NEW CLOTHES:
4 New Clothes Added to the Yuli´s Shop to Ino. Some outfits for Sarada were redesigned and improved. Added support for changing the protagonist's costume, in future versions I will add costumes for him. BATTLE: The fighting system has been optimized. Added 2 new enemies: Bandit and Naruto and Zubon and Sarada's battles have been optimized. OPTIMIZED SYSTEMS:
The relationship system has been optimized for future versions. Leveling up relationships now gives other rewards. The store system has been improved. The Inventory system has been improved. The Jutsu and Combat system has been optimized with several changes. Improved Saybox. Various locations added (some still in development) Various minor optimizations.
Sarada Rising: Boruto Naruto Next Generation v1.0.4 Fixed the bug in Tenten's shop. Fixed bug in clothing system Removed the mission asking to reach level 10 Fixed translation error in the shops Quests now give more experience to make it easier to level up v1.0.3 Fixed a bug in the Tenten Shop Fixed the bug that restarts the level There is no longer a level restriction per arc v1.0.2 Fixed bug in Naruto Missions v1.0.1 Minor Bugs Fixed v1.0 --STORY-- New Characters has been Added to the Game (Sakura, Tenten, Ino, Hinata, Yuli, Hanna, Hideo, Kaashi, Zubon and Mirai) New Principal Quests has been Added, All the Arc 1 has been finished New Secundary Quests added to Sakura, Ayame, Ino, Tenten, Yuli, Naruto --ART-- Many NSFW scenes added for: Ayame, Ino, Sarada, Sakura, Yuna, Yuli and Hinata v0.1 Initial Release
Sarada Rising v1.13 English
v1.1.2 Available the new version which brings again: 6 new girls: Ino, Tsunade, Karin, Konan, Sumire and Yukino. New map: New locations: Bar, SexShop, Sauna (events there in future versions) Research Institute and Yamanaka Florist. New events with Sarada, Ino, Tsunade, Konan, etc. The Outfit system for Sarada has been implemented, in later versions more will be added for the other girls. New design for Sarada, Hinata and Hugo. Animated Scenes have been implemented in Events New Exclusive Scenes for patreons All this and much more.
v1.1.1 -Bugs have been fixed and a test inventory has been added. -Now the Patreon code is needed for the 3rd option in the Sakura event.
v1.1.0 -4 new girls have been added: Hinata, Hanabi, Himawari y Tenten. -New option in the event with Sakura. -The map has been redesigned and enlarged. -3 new locations have been added: Tenten's Shop, Ninja Academy and Hokage's Mansion. -System of relations with the girls. -Battle system and stats. -System of days, money and purchase. -Design of Sarada with long hair. -Music and sound effects. -Added more events with the girls: 1 with Tenten, 1 with Sarada, 1 with Hinata, 1 with Himawari, and 1 with Ayame. -New scenes +18 with Sakura, Ayame, Hinata and Hanabi.