Сюжет рассказывает о главном герое после окончания школы и желании поступить в колледж. Как обычный парень, его жизнь была довольно без приключений. Но телефонный звонок от его загадочной тети все изменил. По настоянию его тети его семья переезжает из скучного маленького городка в Вирджинии в большой город Гонолулу. Он обнаруживает, что его новый дом - рай гораздо лучше, чем он мог себе представить. Однако вскоре он понимает, что этот образ жизни будет нелегко приспособиться, и чтобы в полной мере насладиться собой, наш главный герой должен избавиться от своей старой персоны и принять свою новую жизнь.
Chapter 3 v1.5 day37 resumes and day38 gameplay Almost 831 images 60 different animation
Chapter 3 v0.1 840+ new images 40 new animations day34 like ntr added and day35 beta both route and day35 alpha route
Chapter 2 v1.0 Around 1200+ new renders event with Miss xiyan event with Miss Felinaz Beach event First actual Hscenes with sunny and tracy in Alpha route 60+ animations day33 and day34
v0.8 600+ renders 34 animations (some are 60 fps) day 29 emma event completed day 30 full
Ch.2 v0.6 Revised 400+ renders 12 new animations Party ending Liza event Ending of day27 Ch.2 v0.6 N/A
Ch.2 v0.5 940 new renders Continued day23, day24 and day 25 12 animations Fixied some earlier bugs Hannah introduced ( Marcus step mother) Added a switch in Tracy stats in character sheet to enable or disable the photoshoot event. You can also choose alpha photoshoot or beta . Switch name is model
ch.2 v0.4 710 new renders 9 animations 1 new exclusive patreon character Day 22 and start of day 23
ch.2 v0.3 Change log:- 550 new renders Added gallery ( for exclusive patreons) Few previous bugs fixed
Ch.2 v0.2 500+ new renders 12 new animations 1 new character "Triss"( patreon exclusive character) Day16 Spy on Karla event fixed
Ch. 2 v.0.15 Change log Added music and sounds Stats expanded " Added all most every main character on the stats " " Added all character descriptions " " Added new variable stat named dating " Few previous and old bugs fixed..
Ch. 2 v0.1 Changelog:- 450+ renders. 9 full animation. Stats page revamped with charactersheet. few previous bugs fixed.
v1.0 -400 new renders. -6 new animations. -few previous bugs fixed.
v0.95 250+ new renders Game compressed from 3gb to 900mb 2 new animation 1 new character Few old bugs fixed
v0.90 Not available.
v0.80 454 New images from day0 to day3 3 New animations 2 New Character's introduced 1 Redone character 2 entirely new Events And a fuck ton of balance changes as well as Confidence replacing Domination.
v0.70 Not available.
v0.60 225 new renders 3 animations 3 new characters day 7 and day 8 with christmas dream.
v0.40 Not available yet. As i said that i have changed the faces of sunny and elena completely so that means i have to re-rendered the images of day1 and day2 to make the game look correct but i did not had much time this month to do that, It will be done on next update with some new events added on it. sorry for the inconvenience