Меня зовут Ровена, или как вы хотите мне позвонить. Эта игра обо мне, я отчасти интроверт и застенчив, у меня нет друзей, кроме моих книг и учебы. Моя форма не идеальна, и у меня нет никакого сексуального интереса или опыта вообще. Я могу выглядеть наивным, но иногда могу быть невинно хитрым. Я сдержан и не открыт для людей, ты должен быть таким особенным для меня, чтобы показать мою настоящую сторону. Боюсь воды, но это не мешает мне учиться плавать. Надеюсь, однажды у меня хватит смелости поплавать на общественном пляже.
v9 Fix 1- Characters location 2- Content in female character mother path. 3- "What's wrong Vicky" choice corrected 4- Vicky animation, during foot massage scenes. 5- Missing scenes And that image is from her mother path
v8a Additional scenes: 1-End of V7 , more gentle scenes (Thank you a1fox3) 2-Spying on her at night 3-Helena route (The friends' mum, that's her original name) Fixed missing scenes.
v3.2 Updated some variables. Changed his room Fixed wrong hair in 3 images Added scenes starting day 16 in Toilet @ 13:00 and @ 21:00
v3.1 Added an event at 17:00 Added 4 scenes on day 18 in kitchen/storage room. Missing images fixed Fixed 1 error where you get kicked out of the game. Game is one file now.
v2.0 Additional pool scenes. Kitchen scenes (opens 2 new "routes" for next version). Hot tub scenes. Fitness exercise scenes, with ability to do something with her clothes (still not much in this version, but I have plans for more, a hole is one of them). Ability to enter her room at some point. Few cosplay scenes at night between the Main character and her. You have to buy a suit on day 8. New movie animation with sounds, it has characters from previous novel as cameos, check nook in the afternoon to the evening after few days. Small parents room scenes, nothing important. Vicky -the maid- arrival. In general the scenes advance day after day, pool, study, cosplay... of course some more than the others, and some are event related.