В «Descent» вы играете роль Кристины Портер, недавней выпускницы юридической школы, начинающей стажировку в крупной городской юридической фирме. Ваша цель в игре состоит в том, чтобы преуспеть во время стажировки и быть сотрудником юридической фирмы. Неудивительно, что на пути Кристины будет ряд препятствий, которые она должна преодолеть, чтобы достичь этой цели. В некоторых случаях Кристина может быть вынуждена или может пойти на компромисс со своими идеалами, чтобы добиться успеха. Это зависит от вас.
v1.0 - Mr. King will now only make a job off if Christine does not otherwise have a position - Minor grammar and typo corrections, nothing that should break a save.
v0.9 - Chapter eight and epilogue are added - Minor dialogue changes, nothing that should break a save - FYI, chapter eight has some music, so should be played with the sound on
v0.8 - Chapter seven has been added - Minor changes to dialogue, but nothing that should break a save - Warning, a decision at the end of the chapter may lead to a termination at the beginning of chapter eight. Save.
v0.7 - Chapter six added - Minor dialogue changes to earlier chapters (nothing that should break and saves) - In addition to sound effects, the following chapters include some music cues. It's best to play with some sound
v0.6 - chapter five has been added - some minor changes to dialogue (nothing that will break any saves) - Spoilery warning: some decisions at the end of chapter give might result in the internship being terminated early in chapter six. Best have a save or two in place.
v0.5 - Chapter four is added - Some minor changes to dialogue, nothing that should break a save
v0.4 - Chapter three has been added - The final scene of chapter one has been changed to provide additional choice (this will break saves after this point) - Some minor changes and corrections have been made to the text throughout
v0.3 - Chapter two added - Some minor changes to dialogue in Chapter one, to fill in a plot hole