У него было все это ... Карьера, которую он любил, и семья, которую он любил еще больше. Решением за долю секунды он потерял их обоих вместе со своей свободой. В Triple Ex вы следуете за Джейком Майлсом. После того, как его жизнь, наконец, вернется в нормальное состояние, недавние события на противоположной стороне мира вновь приведут его жизнь в смятение. Следуйте за ним в его приключениях и открытиях, когда он борется с семьей, эмоциями и защищает людей, которых любит.
v0.24 The story continues 302 new storyline images plus a few animations
v0.23 The story continues 326 new storyline images plus a few animations
v0.22 The story continues 297 new storyline images plus a few animations
v0.21 The story continues 323 new storyline images
v0.20 The story continues 319 new storyline images
v0.19 The story continues 358 new storyline images
v0.18 The story continues 383 new storyline images Corrected an error found in the code from v0.17, see here
v0.17 The story continues and an unexpected event isn't well-received. 416 new storyline images plus animations
v0.16 The story continues with a trip to the doctor. Will it be good or bad news to take back to the US? 353 new storyline images plus animations
v0.15 The story continues. Making the most of their time left in Scotland? 363 new storyline images plus animations
v0.14 The story continues. More capers at the Scottish home 416 new storyline images plus animations
v0.13a The story continues after the group arrives in Scotland 442 new storyline renders plus animations
v0.12a The story continues 522 new renders, this includes animations
v0.11a The story continues, with the update being primarily focused on the MC's and Milly's day together 509 new renders, this includes animations
v0.10a The story continues 345 new renders Any reported issues from v0.09a have been completed.
v0.09a The story continues 408 new renders A few animations Previous saves from v0.07 and v0.08 will not work, prior to that are fine, sorry! Adding a zip with quick saves which will work for end of v0.08a.
v0.07a The story continues 320 new renders A few animations
v0.06a The story continues 337 new renders and 4 short animations Image gallery added
v0.05a The story continues 338 new renders and 4 short animations The image quality for all previous versions has been improved slightly. Android Port - Adjustments made to text size and overlays positioning
v0.04a Never sure what to write here. New renders and the story continues! v0.03a The format of the story has now changed to that of a standard visual novel, incorporating choices and points The story continues v0.02a The story continues v0.01a Main story begins