После окончания средней школы вы и ваши одноклассники арендуете яхту, чтобы отпраздновать ваше последнее лето вместе. В течение одной ночи происходит авария, и яхта начинает разжигать огонь, и, даже если вы пытаетесь ее потушить, вы в конечном итоге прыгаете в бурное море. Не зная как, вы попадаете на необитаемый остров, или, по крайней мере, это то, что вы думаете. Теперь вам придется попытаться остаться в живых, пока вы будете искать других выживших и выяснить, как вы будете спасены. Сможете ли вы выжить во время этого приключения? И что еще важнее, сможете ли вы соблазнить всех окружающих женщин? Зависит от тебя…
ramas=... (branches) rocas=... (rocks for the fire) latas=... (canned food) npc1_mood=... (mood of the woman) arandanos=... (blueberries) energy=1000 (speaks for itself. 100% = 1000, not 100) higos=... (figs) banana=... (speaks for itself) soda=... (soda cans) campfire_research=99 (to complete the study on how to build a camp fire)
v0.14 This new version brings more than 2000 new renders with new animated vids and 6 new images for the idols quest, I also worked on the sounds and music in this version to create a more immersive atmosphere and I've redone all the icons to make the interface look much better.
v0.13 Almost 700 new images! 4 New Video Scenes 3 New unlockable images (idols mini-quest) Missions updates! And a progress bar for the task menu
v0.12 This new version is the biggest I’ve done so far with more than 800 new images and 8 new videos. Also, I have worked on 3 new scenarios that will be available on the island Additionally, the bonus mini-quest to find the lost Idols features 6 new unlockable images.
Some highlights of this version:
- 825 new renders/images
- 8 New Video Scenes!
- 3 new Scenarios!
- New inventory objects
- Missions updates!
- 6 new unlockable images (idols mini-quest)
v0.11 Here the hotfix from the dev. Apply it on your 0.11 to make it a 0.11b.
v0.11 - 2022-08-23 Some highlights of this version: - 12 New Video Scenes! ✔ - 800+ new renders/images (35% more than v0.10) ✔ - 2 new Scenarios! ✔ - 2 new characters! ✔ - New inventory objects ✔ - Missions updates! ✔ - 4 new unlockable idols (mini-quest) ✔ -Change character name new feature ✔ *
v0.10 - 2 new characters - New inventory objects - Missions updates - 6 new unlockable idols(mini-quest)
v0.9 TBD
v0.8 - 6 New Video Scenes! - More than 340 new story renders - A New Scenario!! - New inventory objects - Missions updates!
v0.7 - 4 New Video Scenes! (With nice hot stuff) - Around 300 new story renders - A close (and hot) encounter with a mystery character - New inventory objects - New recipes for the campfire - Missions updates!
v0.6 - 4 New Video Scenes! - More than 240 new story renders - A New Scenario!! (Hope you like it) - New inventory objects - Missions updates! - The backstory takes a good step forward! During V0.6 will take place the beginning of a series of events of great importance for the backstory and future versions of the game.
v0.5 - 3 New Video Scenes! - + 200 new story renders - New inventory objects, crafting and cooking options - New missions and updates in previous ones! - New Cheat Console (Extras panel)!!
v0.4 - More than 450 renders - A new Video scene! - A new menu to repeat scenes already played - New inventory objects, crafting and cooking options - 2 New missions and updates in previous ones! - 0.4 takes the relationship with Rachel (default name) to a new level
v0.3 - Approximately 400 new story renders and over 500 total renders. - A new Video scene! -40% more story content than 0.2 and 80% more total content. - Updates in every mission. - 0.3 takes the relationship between the characters to a new level! (Beware with your decisions). -New auto eat function: A new button during mealtime will let you eat automatically (In order to be able to see the button, there must be a combination that reaches 20 of food and water). -New Gathering system: The whole gameplay of this aspect has been redesigned to be more fluent (Food resources will respawn over a period of time and stop using a chance system). Now, you will be able to walk through the different places with more freedom. - A new location has been added!! The island grows bigger and bigger with each release. - Added a new cooking system, more Inventory items, and tools to craft.
v0.2 - New crafting system - Now, you can use the book to acquire new knowledge - You will be able to find a new fruit plant in the pond - Now, you can take a bath in the pond - The peeking scene will go a step further - New content for every mission and the beginning of a new one - New inventory objects - 270 new story renders + an animated video
v0.1b - Now you can change the characters names - Difficulty game modes (check the preferences window) - New interface style - Minor bugs fixes