Когда 19-летняя Кайла Перрин покидает свое насыщенное событиями прошлое маленького городка в ржавой Америке, чтобы получить спортивную стипендию в высшей школе Асгарда на побережье Мексиканского залива, она думает, что попала в рай на земле. Представляя себе лишь возможность начать все заново после трудного подросткового возраста и воссоединиться со своей лучшей подругой детства Ланой, она мало что знает о том, что ее ждет, когда она заводит новых друзей и сталкивается с неожиданными противниками.
v0.8.1 - fixed a bug that was triggering Jade's job scenes by mistake on Rika's path towards the ending - now Pina Solara sprite (Lana's ending) is not reused to show Rae during Xmas scene and fixed also the character's name display (before was displaying Pixie)
v0.8.0 - fixed a bug that wasn't returning properly if you picked "Find Rika" during Christmas, causing Zoe's scene to trigger twice - fixed a bug of missing background/wrong images in a later scene with Zoe (no details to avoid spoilers!)
v0.7.9 - fixed a bug that was assigning automatic bonus point to team members already from week 2, instead they start from week 11 and only in a few weeks, not always!
v0.7.8 - getting Jade's job is now a pre-requisite for her romance (to avoid plotholes) so if you don't get it, her romance path will be disabled - during several points in the game you'll get +2 relationship to all team members (not Emily) to make it less frustrating beating all the opponent teams to unlock the bonus CGs - added a "stats" button to display the team alchemy stats any time during the game - New kinder, less abrasive Lana texts (from Christmas Day scene) - New proper endings for Lana and Zoe indicating continuance of relationships. (BBQ scenes) - Revised gameflow.rpy endings to more closely match original writing style - Minor addition to Christmas dance scene to indicate Zoe's fondness for 'cruel' practical jokes on people. - fixed several typos/grammar mistakes
v0.7.5 - fixed two small plot-holes in Jade's path: when you're hired you can choose if to go shopping with her or Lana. Choosing Lana was originally supposed to end the romance but I managed to still make it work adding variants to some lines of texts (would be bad to just have a sudden "romance is over" over a simple and apparently harmless choice!)
- added more info about Norma Sex CG in the gallery screen, explaining how you unlock it (since you can have sex with her in two occasions but only one has the CG)