Это простая игра. Человек великой судьбы возвращается домой к своим трем падчерицам после 16 лет тюрьмы. Девочки уже выросли. Мужчина вскоре понимает, что испытывает к девушкам больше, чем отцовскую любовь. Будь добрым или будь строгим. Это зависит от тебя, чтобы заполучить девочек ...
Ep.14 Full - some bug fixes. - "Rude route." - 111 new images - 18 new animations
Ep.14 Romance Route More than 400 renders 14 animations and 4160 lines of scripts are included in the new episode. The 'Rude route' was not completed, it will be available in 2 weeks. Currently the 'Romance Route' will only be available. That means only girls with a positive score will have scenes.
Ep.11 Extras Missed scenes from the "Rude route" for episode 11 have been completed. The extra version includes 132 new images and 18 new animations. This version includes the "Read mods".
v10.1 - 2023-04-21 This is the Pc version of episode 10. If you find any bugs in the game feel free to report them to me. The new episode includes nearly 300 images and 33 video animations. Version 10.1 includes French and Italian translations. No new content! Walkthrough below!
v9.3 Extra bug fixes and adds Spanish,
v0.5 230+ new renders. French language.
v0.4 200+ new renders.
v0.3 200+ new renders. Italian and Spanish translation.
v0.2 The first day of the game was completely rewritten and reworked. The dialogue has been reworked by Larry2000 to make the game even more enjoyable for you! Sounds added to this. I compressed the images in the game to keep the size of the game small.