Что происходит, когда вы помещаете юного детектива в школу, полную молодых девушек? Рена (или как бы вы его ни называли) отправляют в местную среднюю школу расследовать убийство молодого ученика, но он быстро понимает, что убийство - наименьшая из его забот, когда сталкивается со скрытой правдой об окружающем мире.
Кримсон Хай - беззаботная школа с кучей симпатичных девушек, странным юмором и множеством секретов, которые нужно раскрыть.
Если вы ожидаете быстрого фапа, вы будете разочарованы. Игра требует времени, чтобы сначала наладить отношения, так что перестаньте жаловаться.
- 12,800 words - 193 renders - 2 new Space Hamsters - Jun's and Machi's profile pictures now update after their makeovers
- 15,100 words - 232 renders - 2 new Space Hamsters
- 14,800 words - 191 renders - 2 animations - 2 new Space Hamsters - added replay gallery to phone - added font size slider to phone - added font selection to phone - reworked cast screen on phone - added sorting option to cast screen - added 'jump to page' feature to save/load screens
- 12,700 words - 203 renders - 2 new Space Hamsters - fixed the hamster hint getting stuck on screen when rolling back - various minor fixes
- 13,100 words - 273 renders - 2 new Space Hamsters - added help button to hamster gallery on the phone - added style options for the hamster hints (choose when enabling hint mode in the hamster gallery on phone) - made the text box hide when the phone is open - reworked the option to name your save files and made it optional (toggle found on the save screen, top left) - minor bug fixes (hamster hints now working by default if you had them enabled; fixed some code in a conversation with Aki and Jun a few updates back; Mariko now has a special shirt she wears when driving)
- 14,300 words - 263 renders - 2 new Space Hamsters - minor bug fixes
- 16,400 words - 206 renders - 3 animations - 2 new Space Hamsters - minor bug fixes - Eduardo
- 13,600 words - 245 renders - 1 animation - 2 new Space Hamsters - minor bug fixes
- 14,500 words - 302 renders - 2 new Space Hamsters - added scrollbars to multiple in-game phone screens (all versions) - fixed a phone conversation bleeding into another (Takako → Jun) - added missing scene gallery - fixed some minor issues
- 14.500 words - 259 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - extended in-game character list (in phone menu) - minor bugfixes
- 16.300 words - 301 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - minor bug fixes
- 12.100 words - 247 images - 1 new Space Hamsters - new UI - modified the character screen in the in-game phone - extra special cliffhanger to make up for last update* - more distinctive colors on the load/save screen - minor fixes
- 13.000 words - 231 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - added a pre-splash screen - fixed some minor stuff (typos and whatnot)
- 24.100 words - 444 images - 4 new Space Hamsters - fixed phone conversations being slow - fixed phone conversations crashing the Android - fixed Nene's phone conversation bleeding into Yukari's phone conversation - minor bugfixes that I can't be bothered to list here (mostly because I don't remember)
- 15.500 words - 215 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - removed sensitivity filter - minor bug fixes v0.25.1: - 13.500 words - 222 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - added a sensitivity filter - fixed Options screen on both Android and PC
- 13.000 words - 189 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - Added new UI elements - Some coding wizardry
- 12.000 words - 198 images - 2 new Space Hamsters
- 17.000 words - 280 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - some minor fixes - phone wallpapers added (hotfix)
- 14.000 words - 209 images - 3 new Space Hamsters - some minor fixes
- 13.500 words - 203 images - 4 new SpaceHamsters - some minor fixes - a thing
- 16.000 words - 226 images - 0 new SpaceHamsters (yes, zero) - added a new font to be selected via the Preferences screen - added a couple of new scenes to the CG gallery (should unlock once you load up the update and get a couple lines in; will add more in future updates) - some minor fixes
v0.18.2: - 13.500 words - 190 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - added a textbox/font preview to the options screen for easier customization - minor UI changes - minor bugfixes
v0.17.1: - 16.000 words - 210 images - 3 new Space Hamsters - Text(box) customization options added to the Options screen - Dark-mode/Light-mode switch added to the Options screen - Phone background images now apply to the message system as well!
v0.16.1: - 13.000 words - 165 images - 2 new Space Hamsters - Main-/Side-girl structure in the in-game phone - Hamster Hint System (patent pending) - Customizable phone background
v0.15.1: - 13.000 words - 285 images - 2 new Space Hamsters (with a twist! (but not on Android))
v0.14.1: - 12.000 words - 210 renders - 6 animations - 2 new Space Hamster
v0.13.1: - 11.000 words - 300 renders -7 animations - 2 new Space Hamster - Messaging system has been improved; persistent conversations per character as well as choice buttons in the phone itself
v0.12.1: - 10.000 words - 240 images - 2 animations - 2 new Space Hamsters
v0.11.1: - 12.200 words - 348 images - 1 animation - 3 new Space Hamsters
v0.10.2: - 15.300 words - 376 images - 1 animation - compressed old images - added pictures from phone messages to CG gallery - removed textbox and weird main menu box in Android version - fixed bug where MC's phone messages wouldn't appear on Android - removed the old stats screen and added a phone system
v0.9.2: - 19.500 words - 450 renders - 5 animations - 5 new Space Hamsters
v0.8.0: - 13.000 words - 270 images - 3 new Space Hamsters - 1 naughty scene - a new main menu - a new way of displaying phone messages
v0.7.0: - 8.500 words - 170 renders - 6 animations - 2 Space Hamsters - 4 reworked scenes - a new shortcut icon
v0.6.2: - 9.200 words - 215 renders - 13 animations - 2 new hidden Space hamsters
v0.5.0: - 9.500 words - 198 new renders - 2 new hidden Space Hamsters
v0.4.1: - Fixed some spelling/grammar issues - Added a help button to point & click screens (top right) - Added Orianna to Stats screen - Removed Lust Points from the game (no restart necessary)
v0.4.0: - 13.400 words - 227 new images - 3 new hidden Space Hamsters - Added a supporter screen
v0.3.1 - Minor grammar/spelling corrections - Fixed a bad variable which displayed a wrong line at some point (minor issue) - Fixed a wrong sound in one scene
v0.3.0 - ~25.500 new words - ~300 new images - 4 new hidden Space Hamsters - 1 new porno magazine - 1 new sexy scene - 1 new Point and Click scene - Added an option to enable/disable the textbox background - Added an option to change the font - Added a replay button to girls' stats screens for easy access - Added the option to name saves - Converted images to .webp to decrease filesize (roughly halved) - Changed the gallery button in the main menu to be more obvious
v0.2.2 - 30.000+ new words - 400 new images - 5 new sexy animations - Replay gallery - CG gallery - Extra gallery - "Stats" screen for girls - Point and Click scenes when searching for evidence - Eastereggs hidden throughout the game