"Томас (или как там тебя зовут.) живет своей лучшей жизнью в качестве товарища по команде и бойфренда самой известной героини Южной Кореи. Каждый аспект его отношений идеален, но однажды он найдет способ изменить их, превратив во что-то еще более интересное… Благодаря простой, таинственной почте. С другой стороны, гвишин, враг человечества, кажется, растворился в воздухе, но возникает новая угроза, и путь, который приведет вас к новому образу жизни, может вмешаться и изменить исход темной, запутанный план, который медленно обретает форму … Глубоко под землей. "
V0.7 - New sprits. - Backdoor adept / Filthy deviance continuation. You can find the last Filthy deviance scene after the Drone explosion event, choose the "Nah, he can take care of himself" choice. The dialog of the last Filthy deviance scene might get tweaked later. (And the post-prod is unfinished atm, no smoke/scent effect for now.) - E-ric got some new lore. - 135 new renders (2 scenes for Backdoor and 1 for Filthy) - I know this update might feel a little short but for those who don't know, I took a huge break away from the game, so the long gap between the last update and this one is kind of unrelated to the amount of content you'll find in it.
V0.6EB -Created one new character (Quite proud of the shader I made for this one.) -1 H-scene (The last roleplay scene that was still in WIP when the "Waking up at night for a wank" event was occuring.) -A little variant for the message conversation MC have with Hana the day that follow the said new scene. - Some more background for the Backdoor adept route. - ~115 new renders.
V0.5 - 208~ renders. - A bunch of dialogs (I didn't count but ... Yeah, a lot.) - Possibility to give a new name to Hana (Depending on situation for now/Only in Sub. Mindset route.) - Created a new map (Dream Realm) - Few new sprits added - 2 big H-scenes + some minor events way back into the Sub. Mindset route. Only the Submissive Mindset route has been updated.
V0.4 - New sprits added. - New character added. - 1 more scene in [ Submissive mindset ] - 1,2 more scenes in [ Bitchy ways ] - 2 more scene in [ Filthy deviance ] - 300~ renders (Fuck me I can't remember exactly.) - Tons of reading. - Notification [Help] to tell you how much points you need to unlock this or that scene. - New Backgrounds. - Knuckles highlight. Note that [Submissive mindset] and [Backdoor adept] are in a more WIP state than the other 2 routes, some post-event dialogs are lacking in the [Submissive mindset] route and [Backdoor adept] didn't move an inch for now (I might focus on that one next.).
- 71 sprits added. - New sms-conversations added. - Notifications added. (Tells you when your choices affect Hana's behavior.) - 11 Background added. - 4~ New H-scenes - 1 day and a half added. - Renders : 959 to 1107
- 2 days (Big chunk of story) added. - 4 long H-scenes & 2 small added. - New characters added. - All of the 4 Netorase route introduced. - 1 of the 2 "pure" route has been canceled. (Considered as not needed.) - Credits added.
- NEW phone menu with 6 apps included : - SMS - Social media - Global stats (Hana and you) - Secret app (Locked\WIP)
Utility app : - Discord of the game (Locked\WIP) - Patreon page
Music and sounds : - 11 tracks in total + 2 ambiant tracks. - and a shitload of new sounds.