Молодой человек, мечтающий стать лучшим футболистом, попадает в I.M.C. Проведя больше года взаперти из-за его измены бывшей, как ты собираешься справляться с жизнью в колледже? Теперь ты открылся всему, что скрывал от всех девушек, вечеринок и секса. Наряду с футбольными играми и тренировками.
v0.1 All the main characters have been changed and look a lot better than before. In the prolog, I have nearly 4 times the number of renders
Changes to the writing sorter and easier to read.
More decisions have been added with different routes to play in future updates
All the writing has gone through a proof-reader and 2 different game testers. I am guessing there will still be mistakes I am only human
The only thing I haven't managed to do is the Football/Soccer games yet. This means the prolog and character 1 will be more focused on the girls and other characters and storylines (No spoilers).
The Game is mainly a college life with the bonus of Football/Soccer, With future updates focused on a main story there will be training to increase stats which will be vital to winning games.
I have prioritized a story over the Football/Soccer I am sorry if that doesn't interest you but It's the way things are.