Прошло много времени после событий в Дасквейле. Мир изменился, баланс сил и веры нарушен, и в то время как некоторые цепляются за старые времена и отказываются отпускать, в то время как все рушится вокруг них, другие потеряны или поддались своим низменным побуждениям.
v0.1.0 In Betvixt 0.1 you will find: - Vixen, a bewildered foxgirl trying to find her way in the world. As she seduces monsters and uncover mysteries she will become more experienced and gain new abilities, depending on your choices in the skill tree. - Items to wear to complement your choices in how Vixen will handle herself. Will she be a foxgirl-of-all-trades or specialise in one area to the detriment of others? You decide. - An area of wilderness to explore, the safe haven of the hamlet Mudslide being the one beacon of safety you can return to and gather strength. - Several dungeons to delve into, full of dangers and ravenous monsters, but also riches and mysteries to find. A host of characters to meet, some benevolent, others less so. You will have to decide who to trust. - The start of a main story, and several self-contained smaller sidequests. - Collectable journal pages, outfits, and more.