Это история о неудачливом бродяге, который из-за непредвиденных обстоятельств становится молодым дворянином. Теперь ему приходится жить при дворе могущественного графа, делая все возможное, чтобы его прикрытие не раскрылось...и, может быть, провести немного времени со многими придворными дамами, пока он этим занимается.
v0.13 440 new renders new content for Alycia (includes 2 ero scenes) new content for Tarja (includes an ero scene) new content for Neela (includes an ero scene) new content for Aleta (includes a soft ero scene) new content for Joy (includes an ero scene) added fighting arena conent to the House of Joy slight aesthetic modifications, mainly concerning the character menues of the love interests, which now include their names
v0.12 422 new renders 4 ero scenes added 2 variables to older Neela events (it's recommended to start a new save)
v0.11 306 new renders Added a new character stats overview menu Added the option to turn NTR on or off Added the option to turn decision hints on or off Added the ability to hide the dialogue box in Android via swipe down motion v0.1 This version is now more than just a mere teaser and offers the first decisions, which our hero has to take. He also gets a proper introduction to court, learns about the nightlife of the castle town, has an encounter with an old partner and gets his first morning lesson.