Clockwork Poison - это 2D песочница, в которой представлены реальные сцены с реальными моделями, заключенные в по-настоящему богатый сюжет, полный приключений, радости, гнева, несчастий, побед, поражений, мести и, прежде всего, страсти и похоти. Вы играете за единственного мужчину, выжившего после химической атаки на ваш город, и вам придется разобраться с тем, что и кто вызвал катастрофу, и, в конечном итоге, сбежать из города.
v1.0.1 - Added Russian translation to v1.0 content - Added a credits page at the end of the game with the name of the actresses (if you already completed it, you will see it by loading your game) - Revised the prices at Kelly's workshop - Fixed a bug where some Kelly and Rachel's events were triggered at the wrong time - Fixed a bug where the third Rachel's event could not be replayed - Fixed some other minor bugs - Fixed some typos
- Completed the story - Added many new scenes for both new and already known characters. Note that you can't watch all the scenes in one run, as the story varies depending on your choices - Fixed some minor bugs - Fixed some typos
- Added Russian translation for v0.9 content
- Added two new characters - Added two new locations - Added many new scenes for both new and already known characters. Note that you won't be able to watch all the scenes in one run from now on, as the story varies depending on your choices - Changed the textbox and the transitions between images a bit to improve the reading experience - Fixed some typos
- Added two new characters - Added three new locations - Added many new scenes for both new and already known characters - Fixed a bug where some players could not get supplies or train stats from a certain point on - Fixed a bug where Stella didn't show up on the girls menu for games started in recent versions - Fixed a bug where Claire's quest about talking with her about a job at the hotel didn't disappear for some players - Fixed some typos - Changed the game file structure, so it will be easier to release a hotfix in case there is a bug